The core objective of UBEC and SUBEB is to provide access to free, uninterrupted and compulsory basic education for all, to ensure that government from federal, state and Local Government through counterpart funding investing huge funds to the basic education capital expenditure...
Yobe state government through State Universal Education Board (SUBEB) & Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) intervention fund annually invest over NGN 2 billion for capital projects across the state. Despite such investment on basic secondary and primary education, despite the investment there is still...
Geidam is one of the Local Government that was devastated by Boko Haram insurgency in the Yobe State. The attacks on schools is in danger of creating a lost generation of children and threatening their future, in an effort of Yobe state government to revitalize the education in the Geidam LGA allocated establishment new model...
The performance of primary and basic secondary education in Yobe state was very poor in the recent years where Yobe State rank last in the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) for two consecutive years due massive infrastructural deficit and decay which lead to the declaration of state of...
Potiskum is the LGAs with highest overpopulated schools across the state where the top three most populated schools are in the LGA with over 13,000 students each due inadequate availability of quality infrastructures across the schools. The accessibility of quality infrastructure plays a major part in creating a satisfactory environment for...
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To empower and work with communities to demand accountability, improve service delivery and promote democratic governance.
We believe in the transforming communities in Africa, to see a community of active citizens taking ownership of demanding accountability, equipped for institutional improvement, improving service delivery and inclusive society.
Aim and Objective
- To promote social transparency and accountability at subnational government as well as national government
- Encourage, promote and conduct research on the area of transparency, accountability, democracy and governance
- To assist governments in attaining their development and national goal
- To establish, operate and promote social development activities
- To establish or assist in the provision and promotion of information management system and accessibility of data
- To assist in the development of progressive attitudes in our society and communication for sustainable development.

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